John is available for engagement as a mediator, negotiator, arbitrator and resource management hearing commissioner. He is based in Christchurch and Auckland, but he is available throughout New Zealand.
John has a very wide experience in every facet of legal practice, as well as commercial and financial knowledge from his work as a company director. He has had extensive experience during the last 32 years as a mediator, negotiator, and in conducting Judicial Settlement Conferences. He also has wide experience as a commissioner.
He has an understanding of the specific imperatives of resolution of disputes to commercial parties, as well as the different pressures that disputes place on individuals.
Disputes on which he invites you to instruct him include existing litigation in the Senior Courts, Family Court, Environment Court and District Court, but also disputes between persons, companies and other entities before litigation is commenced. This is not an exhaustive list; engagement of an experienced mediator, independent of both sides, in any area where a dispute has arisen is frequently valuable in achieving an early and cost effective outcome. As John’s experience shows, he is well equipped for appointment to such a role.